Greenhithe School's Green Team Planners
have been working
on the school vision for future eco-projects.
They have created a display to show the most popular options voted for by the school.
Come in and have a look
- the display is near the entry to the staffroom.
The key ideas are:
- Murals to show school values and creativity
- Posts or poles that signpost areas of our school
- Fruit trees
- Waste reduction through composting,
bin checking and litter patrols
- Gardens for flowers and vegetables
- Seating around the school
brought to you by Emilie, Charlie, Angie, Eden (pictured) and Sophie and Rory.
Emilie and Angie |
Charlie and Eden.
Can you see the seed above the word 'fruit trees' ?
It's a photo of a sunflower seed, grown at Greenhithe. |