Sunday, 17 March 2013

Projects at Greenhithe in Term One 2013

Greenhithe School 

is an 

Term One

What's happening around Greenhithe School this term?

The seniors are working on targeted learning projects. 

Mrs Hodson's group has been brainstorming design ideas for a vegetable garden. They have chosen a site, planned how to lay out raised garden beds, and worked out what materials they will need. They are researching what plants work best as companions, and will soon be busy filling and planting their new gardens. Many thanks to Barrie for his practical help with finding wood, sawing and building. 

Mrs Playfair's group is working on some art panels to decorate the walls of our school. These will celebrate some of the natural taonga of the landscape around us.

The Green Team is in action!

Our new 'Green Team' meets in Room 12 on Thursdays. They have been looking at aerial photos that show how our school used to look years ago. They found the 1959 photo fascinating. Back then, our school was one small cluster of buildings in an enormous field. What is today's playing field was a small forest, and around the school there were undeveloped gravel roads, a ploughed field, and just a few houses. We will put these photos on display in the foyer near the staffroom. 

This process of looking back is showing the children that many changes have been made over the years. Some careful planning and deciding has been done about what buildings were needed and how to place them, and where to put fields, courts and gardens.

The nature garden - before
The nature garden - after
We have looked at the 'before' and 'after' photos of the nature garden and the butterfly garden and discussed what was involved in completing these projects. 

We are assessing what is currently happening around the school to care for our world: e.g. worm farming, recycling paper, turning off lights to save power, planting native shrubs to feed the birds, using solar power.

The butterfly garden - before

The butterfly garden - after

Our next step is to think about what else can be done to make our school, and our environment, a better place. The children will ask others for their ideas, then create a 'vision plan' for the future, to display along with the aerial photos. 

Towards the end of the term, pop by and have a look at their work -  in the foyer, near the staffroom -  or visit this blog.

Worm liquid is being collected - ready for sale soon!

This delightful brown liquid is being diligently produced by our worms and collected and bottled by our 'worm farmers'. It will be available for sale at the end of each term, so if you are looking for a powerful fertiliser for your garden, watch for the special 'worm liquid shop' outside the office - and for the children's special advertising notices.

This product has had enthusiastic reviews and sells out fast, so get in quick!